Home→Foster Guide – Fleas, Mites & Other Common Issues
Foster Guide – Fleas, Mites & Other Common Issues
Any crumbly wax-like substance in the ears indicates possible ear mites. Ear mite medicine can be picked up at FLR.
Fleas or flea dirt (black pepper-like substance in the fur) may indicate fleas. We use Revolution or Revolution Plus for parasite prevention/treatment.
Young kittens under 8 weeks can not be treated with flea medication and must be bathed with mild dish detergent or coated with coconut oil and combed thoroughly. Start with their neck!!
Minor cuts, scratches and abrasions may be cleaned with warm water and baby shampoo or dishwashing detergent and treated with antibiotic ointment unless they appear to be infected or won’t stop bleeding.
Keep the kitten/cat and all blood away from other fosters and pets unless FIV and FELV tests have been performed and are negative for the injured foster.
Minor skin irritations such as urine burn/anal redness can be safely treated with coconut oil.