Our Endowment Fund is now open at the Adams County Community Foundation! We are excited to do our best to create a plan for the future of our wonderful little mission to help animals! Donations to our endowment can be made to the Adams County Community Foundation 25 S Fourth St, Gettysburg PA 17325. Please make checks payable to the Adams County Community Foundation and list Forever Love Rescue Endowment Fund in the memo section.

Building a strong endowment is key to continuing our mission to help the homeless, neglected and abandoned cats of Adams County.  As a small but mighty organization we accept 300-400 homeless cats into our adoption program each year.  Since we are aware that we cannot save them all, we also work tirelessly to Trap Neuter and Return another 700 homeless cats who live in our communities.  We are working toward improving the lives of those cats while we prevent the future births of more homeless kittens.  This is done in an attempt to minimize the current overpopulation.  We know that this work will be necessary for many years to come, and having a bright future for our organization through our endowment shows our long-term dedication to our mission.  We are honored to have an endowment with the Adams County Community Foundation which is being built by our community members and neighbors who believe in that mission.

Details of the endowment are provided below. If you have any questions about this fund please email foreverloverescue@gmail.com. We thank each and every one of you for your continued support in saving the lives of homeless cats in our area!

Fund Name: The name of the Fund shall be the Forever Love Rescue Endowment Fund. The Donors or others may add gifts to the Fund at any time.

Future Gifts: Bequests and other future gifts may be payable to Adams County Community Foundation, Inc. as an addition to the Forever Love Rescue Endowment Fund.

Fund Type: The Fund shall be administered by the Community Foundation as a Designated Endowment Fund to support the Charitable Purpose.

Charitable Purpose: The charitable purpose of the endowment shall be to provide support for Forever Love Rescue.

This Fund is designated solely for the use of Forever Love Rescue, Inc, based in Gettysburg, PA. Grants from this endowment are to be used to assist Forever Love Rescue in their mission of caring for and housing homeless animals, as well as working toward a goal of minimizing the homeless animal population through spay and neuter programs. Assistance in their mission includes advocating for homeless animals and educating the community about the problems that have created a need for rescues to exist.

In the event that Forever Love Rescue, Inc. ceases to exist in the future, grants should be directed to a similar organization in Adams County with a history of holding to the same mission as Forever Love Rescue, Inc. That organization must be a no-kill organization which does not euthanize any healthy cats and only euthanizes dogs that are unhealthy and suffering or that pose a danger to the public. That organization must also commit to spaying and neutering all pets prior to adoption unless a health condition prevents the surgery from being safely done. Pets that are too young for surgery should not be adopted until they are old enough to be spayed or neutered.