The harsh reality is that a percentage of these kittens simply won’t make it. What you do still makes a difference for as long as they are able to be safe, loved and warm with you!

Care must be immediate and continue every 2 – 4 hours with feedings and stimulation around the clock.

♥ Keep kittens clean, warm, dry and sheltered at all times.

Never feed a cold kitten!!! The first step is always to warm them up with body heat, heating pad or another method.

    • 99 to 102 degrees is the normal body temp range of baby kittens.
    • If necessary, a rectal baby or baby animal thermometer may be used if inserted only a tiny bit with lubricant.

♥ Babies may need to be separated if they attempt to nurse off each other.

Reach out frequently to other bottle baby moms via Messenger group and/or the FLR Foster Facebook page. You will get both practical and moral support! is a fabulous resource for those fostering baby kittens. You’ll find tips, videos and much more.

The busiest months for bottle babies are March – October, but litters may come in at any time.

Each kitten is different, so trust your gut and remember that most information is a general guideline. All you can do is try your best! 

Know your limits; it’s okay to have to take a break or only have a few bottle babies at a time. A possible solution is to keep bottle baby moms available to take newborns and stage kittens from 4 weeks of age with another foster, as approved by Stephanie. Let her know if you are interested in this approach.